Prelim: Research Rationale

For my fashion magazine I will conduct research in order to create a successful magazine cover and contents page. My magazine is aimed at females/males aged 14-18. I fortunately have access to large groups of that age group as I am in a school environment. I not only have access to girls ages 11-16 in the lower school but mixed gender students aged 16-18 in the higher school. This is beneficial because it would allow me to directly find out what the target audience enjoy through direct sources. It would also allow me to find out what younger students think about what they would like to see in slightly older magazines - this would allow me to gather a range and large variety of ideas for my magazine.

When carrying put this research I will conduct quantitative research - in a form of a survey - as well as an interview based group session. This is a practical way to gather information and find out what interests my target audience into purchasing and reading my work. The use of quantitative research will allow me to gather statistics and practically outline what exactly will attract my desired age group. It will also allow me to see a trend in opinions from a particular category i.e. if a certain group of similar ethnicity enjoys and is interested in a certain genre of fashion/clothing. The qualitative research will enable to use firsthand reactions to types of magazines and ideas I want to include. This would enable me to find out research with a more open mind rather than using questions or circumstances which will restrict or influence the public to give certain judgments. This is advantageous as I can then directly find out the audiences first thought on the matter as they do not get as much time to think over their perspective; allowing more truthful research.

I will conduct my survey in paper form, printing and typing the questions myself. Using my facilities and access to the target audience I will ask students of different age groups to fill out a short survey for my research. Using my survey I will pick out a group of people who have a distinct/different opinion as well as different background information to fairly assess different viewpoints.
The resources I will need for this is: a survey written with 10-15 short questions, students in different age groups, a camera to film the interview, consent forms.


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