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Prelim: Statement of Intent

For my final magazine piece I intend to create a product aimed at people aged 14-18, both male and female. I will attempt to do this through the use of media language. This will include close concentration on the camerawork, editing and mise-en-scene. I will use a long shot and a low angle for the final photo as I not only want to display the whole outfit but also the gesture and facial expressions of the model. In terms of clothing I saw that from my research that the majority of my audience prefer sporty and casual clothes i.e tracksuits, trainers, jeans. The font/typography of my product will therefore need to be more relaxed yet bold. This will appeal to my target audience as it will not overpower the magazine will excessive words making the page look 'busy'. The san serif font will also make it look more relaxed which will fit the essence of my product and attract my desired age group. I will however find a typograhy which is bold as it will emphasise the contents o

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